Thursday, October 18, 2007

Michael, Queen of the Savages

For those fortunate enough to not know who Michael Weiner Savage is, he is one of the most virulently hateful of all hate radio jocks. He's a lot like Ann Coulter, but much more feminine. His contempt for women and his obsession with manhood and masculinity have led the Sloptops to one inevitable conclusion: This guy is a closeted gay man. Come out, Michael, come out. Celebrate who you really are. You'll be better off for it and so will America.

Acknowledgement: The Meat Beetles found the above picture of Savage at Pride Depot.

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Battle Hymn

The samples here came from a PBS documentary about the battle of Iwo Jima in World War 2. The accompanying photo is "Spanish Loyalist at the Instant of Death" taken by Robert Capa during the Spanish Civil war. Two different wars, but really they're all the same--stupid, power-mad scum like George Bush and Francisco Franco start them and ordinary people fight and suffer in them. Maybe someday the human race will evolve beyond this, but probably not. Recorded ca. 1994.

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Poor Elvis

Mid-90s mayhem featuring "The King of Cholesterol". John Lennon once said that Elvis died the day he got on the bus that took him to the army. The Meat Beetles agree.The strained, rumbling sound throughout this one is a short excerpt from the song "Hound Dog" tweaked and processed to the point of being unrecognizable.

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The Meat Beetles are on hiatus this summer, but we'll be back with new material soon, including our tribute to the 40th anniversary of the Summer Of Love. Meanwhile, here is something from the early 90s. The samples used in this one came from the 1975 film, Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?, a documentary about the Republican-caused depression of the 1930s. Listening to this, the Sloptops are reminded of the loyalty oath that one has to take to attend a speech by "President" Bush (OUR EMPLOYEE AND WE HAVE TO TAKE AN OATH TO SEE HIM BLATHER!!!). The voice at the end of this one is Herbert Hoover, the Republican president whose economic policies were a key factor in causing the Republican depression.

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Friday, July 6, 2007

A New World Odor

Do you ever wonder where George W. Bush gets that streak of amorality? The answer is it's in the family genes. This piece was built around his father's "victory" speech after HIS war against the people of Iraq in 1990-91. It's hard to imagine who has more innocent blood on his hands, Junior or Senior. And let's not forget Grandpa Prescott Bush, who did business with his Nazi pals for several years AFTER the US went to war with Hitler's Germany. And of course there's Mother Barbara, who showed her true colors when she remarked in the wake of Hurricane Katrina that, if people are "underprivileged" squatting in their own filth in a crowded, sweltering sports arena is good enough for them. Shouldn't there be a law against people like this reproducing?
If anyone has ever had the suspicion that The Meat Beetles have too much time on their hands, this piece should confirm that suspicion. At least such was the case when this was recorded in one long weekend session in 1991. This one is different from most of the other things posted here--no beats or music of any sort, just edited samples. As with all the work they did during this period, it was all done with tape--no aiff editors, no graphic readouts, just hit or miss and a lot of hiss. However, they did rerecord it into a computer recently and apply some very judicious editing--a little cut here, a bit of EQ there, an amplitude boost/cut from time to time.
Also used here are samples from TV news and George Romero's classic film, Night of the Living Dead. 

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Monday, June 18, 2007


When The Meat Beetles found out about Laura Bush's claim that no one has suffered more than she and W have over the Iraq war, they were apoplectic. The nerve of this sorry excuse for a human being to say such a thing. What has she sacrificed? What does she even know about suffering (besides, what she has learned about suffering from being married into the Bush family)?
Once the Sloptops got over their hissy fit, they realized that there was plenty of fodder for audio collage in the insane rantings of The First "Lady". And is she on drugs or just naturally out of touch with reality?
The picture below was added as a mere suggestion that there may be--just may be--some who have suffered more than she and W have as a result of his choice to go to war.

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Smoked Children

In 1994 The Meat Beetles got their first computer, an Apple LC475. It wasn't much by today's standards--a whopping 160 Meg hard drive, 32 Mb of memory, and 8-bit sound. But nothing would ever again be the same for the Sloptops. This was one of the first pieces they created with their new digital tool. The samples used include a caller to a radio talk show, incensed by the bombing of Iraq, Carroll O'Connor (aka Archie Bunker), and Hollywood director, Cecil B. DeMille. Also putting in a guest appearance at the end is none other than Franklin Roosevelt. Grilled millionaires indeed!
meanwhile, the smoking of Iraqi children continues!

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Death And Hell In A Yellow Submarine

Once again The Meat Beetles explore social views on rock music. This time the vocal chores are handled by Elizabeth Claire Prophet, doomsday cult leader, and Ronald Reagan, the object of worship for the Republican hate/death/fear cult. It was a match made in Purgatory! Also featured are other members of Prophet's cult, a network news interviewer (don't know who), and a cute but naïve hippy with a cute but naïve view of a future that would never come.

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Thursday, June 7, 2007


Another "turn on the TV and record whatever is on" piece from 1987. This time what was on was a sermon from Jimmy Swaggart. These were dark days for the christianist extremist movement. Only weeks after this was recorded Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker had their fall from grace (or whatever it was they fell from), and only a year or so later Swaggart himself would be caught with a prostitute.
Lots of harsh noises in this one and two out-of-sync cheapo keyboard drum patterns. Those were interesting times!

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Sunday, June 3, 2007

Fear Up

Of all the "guest vocalists" who have collaborated with The Meat Beetles, the Sloptops all agree on one favorite: George W. Bush. There are two reasons for this, both having to do with Bush's monumental stupidity. First, every time the guy opens his mouth in public something choice is bound to come out; phrase after phrase that just screams "Sample me!" Second, because Bush is utterly incapable of uttering more than five or six words in one go without pausing to think what the next five or six are going to be, there are lots of pauses in his speeches. This is particularly handy when clipping samples out of a large .aiff file.
All of the snippets used here came from two different appearances--his address to the graduating class of the Coast Guard Academy (May 23, 2007) and a press conference (May 24, 2007). The Meat Beetles got into a friendly debate over which incident represented an all-time low in presidential appearances--using a graduation ceremony to make lame excuses for a failed, amoral foreign policy, or threatening the children of reporters. However, The Meat Beetles quickly came to realize that with well over a year left of this "presidency" Bush is bound to sink even lower.
By the way, lest you feel TOO sorry for the reporters whose children were threatened, it should be pointed out that "David" is none other than Dave Gregory of NBC. Yes, the same Dave Gregory who prostituted himself by dancing with Karl Rove (the most despicable blob of protoplasm currently oozing across the surface of the planet) at the recent White House Press Corps dinner. Hopefully Gregory now sees that, even when you suck up to these creeps, they will turn on you like vipers if it suits their purpose. Wait until you see what they will do to David Petraeus when "his" plan for the troop surge in Iraq goes belly up!

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Black Ringo

Sometimes, The Meat Beetles' stream-of-semi-consciousness approach yields unexpected, unpredictable results. This one started out with a sample of Billy Graham blathering about "why The Beatles stay on top" and evolved into a treatise on bigotry and ignorance. Actually it is kind of fitting given that Billy's son, Franklin, (who was sent to Iraq by the Bush administration to promote the christianist lifestyle as "normal") has, like a true bigot, referred to Islam as an "evil and wicked religion". The filthy little puke must have gone over big in the Islamic world!
For the record, while The Meat Beetles find the very idea of worshiping an invisible guy in the sky rather peculiar, they are absolutely opposed to bigotry and intolerance against people simply because they may subscribe to a different superstition than someone else.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Blood, Brother

Although recent Meat Beetles material belies a fairly high degree of planning and structure, there was a time when the Slop-Tops took a more serendipitous approach. For this 1987 recording they simply patched the earphone output of a portable television into a tape recorder and turned on the set. It turned out that there was a Burt Reynolds movie on at the time (they never found out the title). They then added some rather dense, noisy tracks of their own and, voila, the result was this bit of audio swamp gas. By the way, The Meat Beetles found a MySpace page claiming to be that of Reynolds. Maybe, maybe not. Click here to see for yourself.

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

The Mating Call of the Male Uglo-American

S-E-X! Everyone likes it, even those who claim not to. Even The Meat Beetles like it. In fact, one of them has actually had sex and hopes to do "it" again someday.
Once again, the samples in this one were acquired at the "365 Days Project" (see the May 16 post of "Ree Baba 1999" for a link to the archive of this wonderful endeavor at UBU Web). The main vocals are by Eric Weber, the "How-To-Pick-Up-Girls Guru" of the '70s. There are also bits from Joe Aufricht and a public service hotline recording.
This is one of a series of explorations by The Meat Beetles of the traditional music of Uglo-America. See the May 3 post of "The King Of Uglo-America" for more Uglo-American music.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ree Baba 1999

Here's a bit of good ol' fun! No politics, not even any intelligible words (at least not for English-speakers). Just sonic weirdness to put a smile on your face. The vocals here are by India's Sonik Omi, with additional contributions from John Wells & Jill House, and Merv & Merla. The Meat Beetles took all of this audio mayhem and added their own beats and squiggles.
All of the samples in this one were acquired through the legendary "365 Days Project" (archived at Ubu Web--click here to visit).
By the way, there is a "365 Days 2" going on all this year at the WFMU site. Click here to visit.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Global War (Now In Progress)

Jerry Falwell died today. While the Meat Beetles would not wish death on anyone, and while we feel for his friends and family, let's face one fact: The world is a slightly less hateful place this evening. Falwell was a leading exponent of bigotry and intolerance in this society. He was an ardent supporter of the apartheid government in South Africa. His contempt for the liberal/secular principles on which America was founded ran so deep that he even went so far as to say that the we Americans got what was coming to us on September 11, 2001. Despicable!
About this song: This was The Meat Beetles' first sample-based piece, recorded in 1986. They thought it would be fun to record a Falwell sermon off TV and play it backwards to see if there were back-masked Satanic messages. Are there? Decide for yourself. In 1986 The Meat Beetles did not have access to the computer technology that they use today--just a 4-track cassette recorder and a portable (Radio Shack) cassette recorder. You can hear the tape stopping and starting in places. And what the heck is a "tomosexual"? As with other early Meat Beetles recordings, this one has a lot of rough edges, but we thought it would make a fitting farewell to Falwell. Bye, Jerry, and lots of luck trying to push that camel through a needle's eye!

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Mr. Airstream

The sound quality on this one is not very good--lots of unintentional distortion and tape noises--but it was included here because it is one of the earliest Meat Beetles compositions in existence. In 1987, one of the Meat Beetles was on "vacation" in Florida (The Meat Beetles do not find any enjoyment in visiting Florida, and they live in Georgia, which should tell you a lot!). He (she?) was listening to talk radio (a favorite pastime of all the Meat Beetles) and heard this call on the Bob Lasssiter show, in Tampa. She (he?) was fortunate enough to already be taping the show (at least one Meat Beetle has a recording device going at almost any minute of any day). He (she?) took the tape back to the other Meat Beetles and they immediately set about editing and adding other sounds.

This is pre-digital Meat Beetles--no computers, no sophisticated processing facilities, just two tape recorders with "pause " buttons.

In case you can't make it out, what you are listening to is a guy calling a talk show host and threatening to call the police on him because he spoke disrespectfully of Ronald Reagan and Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker. Perhaps the gentleman had a propane leak in his Airstream?

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Saturday, May 5, 2007

Backwards Devil Music, Part 666

More music about music. The Meat Beetles were so pleased with the contribution Mike Mills made to "F-Word # 9" (see May 2 post) that they invited him back to do the vocal track for another piece. This is pure Mills, doing what he does best--making stuff up and hearing things in rock music that only he can hear. As the guy in the above picture (© 1989 Chick Tracts) says, "Rock, rock, rock, rock with the rock!"

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Friday, May 4, 2007

A Different Kind Of Fun With Sound

Except this isn't fun at all. It's deadly fucking serious! Courageous vocals: Several British and American World War 2 veterans (from BBC series "The World At War"). Cowardly vocals: George W. Bush (couldn't even fulfill his commitment to a champagne National Guard unit that was created to keep rich kids out of the draft!).

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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Stink Beat

Here's one The Meat Beetles did just for fun. No message here...or is there? Vocals are by former NFL referee, Art Holst, and by Del Close and John Brent from their legendary album Learn Basic Hip, which The Meat Beetles acquired from the web site, Basic Hip Digital Audio. There's also a quick cameo by Ed "Kookie" Burns.

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The King Of Uglo-America

One day, a year or two ago, one of the Meat Beetles was "surfing" the "net" when he (she?) stumbled upon a site featuring audio clips of hate-radio personality, Rush Limbaugh (or, as The Meat Beetles call him, Rush Limp Cock). Among these clips was a whole section of Limbaugh stammering and stuttering on the air. The Meat Beetle was immediately struck by the rhythmic quality of these utterances. She (he?) downloaded some clips and played them for the other Meat Beetles. They all agreed that these clips were just too good to NOT use in a sound collage. This is the result.

As you listen you should keep in mind that these sounds are exactly as Rush made them on the air. Other than slight treatments to make them match the rhythm of the piece, no editing was performed on these clips.

The Meat Beetles are left with two questions about Limp Cock: (1) How can someone so wrong, so full of hate and bigotry continue to maintain an audience of more than six or eight sociopathic malcontents? (2) How did someone so utterly incapable of speaking coherently land a radio show in the first place?

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

F-Word Number 9

The Meat Beetles are fascinated by the strange belief that listening to rock music will turn kids into devil worshipers. This is one of several songs we have recorded as a result of this fascination. The vocals on this one are by James Dobson, Susan Baker (wife of James "The Election-Stealing Scumbag" Baker), Mike Mills, and Bob Larson. For the record, it is the unanimous opinion of The Meat Beetles that, when a child commits horrible acts after listening to a song, then that child has already been damaged by one or more of the adults in his/her life. You can't blame your failure as a parent on Judas Priest.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Backwards Devil Music, Part 13

This recording, from about 1992, represents one of the first attempts by the Meat Beetles to create music without actually using any musical instruments. All sounds used here were either from cassette recordings of radio and TV broadcasts, or from vinyl records spun by hand on a turntable, all augmented by judicious use of electronic processing devices. This is a big hunk of noise, clocking in at just under 23 minutes. Don't listen to this in the dark! And be warned: There is some language (f-words and such) in this one that some may find offensive. Also, the sound quality on this one is a bit sketchy--lots of hiss--but that's the nature of the cassette beast.

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Holy You-Know-What!

Did you know that Bill O'Reilly saved Sponge Bob? That he threatens to "whack" women "around"? That after al Qaeda operatives hit you with poison darts they will make their escape (into the Amazon!) in ethanol vehicles? Well all of that and more is true, according to O'Reilly, who did the lead vocals for this song. Enjoy, but listen at low volume, lest you wish to be paid a visit by Fox Security!
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Monday, April 30, 2007

The Decider Gets To Decide The Decidings That Get Decisioned

This one features lead vocals by George "The Mad Butcher of Crawford" Bush and backing vocals by Hilary "The Enabler" Clinton. If you like either or both of these people you will probably hate this song. Enjoy!
Listen: The Decider Gets To Decide The Decidings That Get Decisioned

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