The good news: The American conservative movement seems to be in its death throes. The bad news: It appears that it is going to be a very noisy, ugly death and they will take as many Americans with them as they can (you see, they are amoral and don't care who gets hurt, as long as SOMEBODY gets hurt--watching Americans suffer causes them to squirt viscous goo into their underwear). However, even in the bad news is some good news: Loud-mouthed, right-wing wind-bags are one of the Sloptops' favorite sources for their sound collage work.
For this one they tapped a regular who's who of hate-based radio and television; Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Jonah Goldberg, Bobby Jindal, and Michael Savage were all invited into the studio to contribute vocals for this piece. Also present were a gentleman known only as Charles who recently accomplished what was once thought impossible--he got past Limbaugh's screeners and called Oxy Boy "a brainwashed Nazi". You can be absolutely certain that the staffer who let that call through is, at best, unemployed, and at worst, feeding fish in the coastal waters of eastern Florida. Finally, in the interest of fairness and balance, The Sloptops gave Jon Stewart a quick cameo near the end of this piece.
The object of derision for the hate mongers featured here is, of course, President Barack Obama. The Meat Beetles are a bit taken aback by the reaction from the right over his election. Although they are portraying our new president as some sort of left-wing radical, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, he is, in a political sense, a lot closer to many Republicans than he is to true leftists like The Sloptops, yet we actually support and respect the man. We have no doubt that we will be at odds with a number of his policies and decisions (we're already a bit concerned about some of his foreign policy decisions), but we are willing to give the guy a chance. We want to see him succeed.
The picture accompanying this piece, by the way, was found at Blue Herald. We hope they don't mind our using it.
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2 C U R back.....
Crazy is not the word I'd use ; (
This is perfect! Now why haven't I heard this on Clear Channel? What fools. Good mix too.
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