Welcome to our blog. This is your one-stop source for all things Meat Beetles. Specifically this is where we, The Meat Beetles, will post our "music". Our primary purpose in what we do is to hold a mirror up to this poor, sick, twisted society so that all of us--including The Meat Beetles--can see who/what we really are. We do not post our work to promote ourselves. We are not interested in fame or fortune. We put this work out for free, and invite you to download it and use it as you see fit. Dance to it, do homework to it, sample it, delete it, share it with friends (or even better, share it with enemies!). And please add comments, positive or negative, if you feel so inclined.
Thank you for visiting. We hope you either enjoy our work or don't.
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Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
Hi The Meet Beetles,
I recently got in touch with the muscians blog world and arrived in your site through We're Late For Class blog.
It's an incredible world, completely D.I.Y!!! And this is what i love about it. And... everything you do is plotical so why don't talk about the things USA are doing all over the world? Blame to Bush and to his crowd!!!
I listened to a couple of tracks from you and sound interesting to me (also 'cause i love music with recorded spoken from radio, tv and other media).
I wanna ask you a pleasure: how can i download the tracks "Stink Beat" of may 3 2007 & "A different kind of fun with sound" of may 4 2007? The download links don't work.
Anyway... I think we'll see again.
Ratzenberger (from Italy)
The Meat Beetles thank you for your positive words about our music. We also thank you for letting us know about our broken download links. They have been fixed. Please feel free to download our music and use it in any way you see fit.
Thanks for listening. Peace--
The Sloptops
Hey guys,
Totally Fuzzy has started a "Free Indie Band" category for us. Go here to add a description to your listing.
All the best,
good post :)
Hey Meats. Love the site and your content. This may mean nothing to you, but you TOTALLY remind me of Surgical IILS/Blistering Moments from Houston, TX circa 1980s. I was great friends with Jim and Rikky (even to hosting them on my early-morning radio show for a live concert), but have since lost touch (sadly). Keep up the awesome work and all the best!
dr. golgo
@ Dr Golgo
I found 'Therepeutic Dreams' in a record store 15 years ago. I would really love to hear some Surgical IILs. Cant find anything on or about them, at all!
If you have some time, could you up some info. I read about them once in UNSOUND magazine (a British underground music publication from the 80's) but it was just a brief article.
@ Meat Beetles
He's right you do sound similar.
Hello people want to express my satisfaction with this blog very creative and I really like the views of the focus very good indeed Thank you for the helpful information. I hope you keep up the good work on making your blog a success!
Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you about a broken link on your site. Please email me back and I would be happy to point them out to you.
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